Crosby beach..
Last last thursday, 20th november, i went 2 Crosby beach, liverpool.. no, not 2 enjoy d sunset nor d sun (wat sun??) .. plus its way 2 cold kn pigi beach jua.. y did i go nways? As if i have a choice, went der for sedimentary module wer ada group work and have 2 do presentation by d end of d day.. 2moro d final presentation, still kinda bangang bnr nya, iath kn buat research apa ni :p las minute wah.. as usual..
wats so special bout Crosby beach u wonder? ..
dy'v got all dis statues (the iron man) around d beach.. it luks creepy plg.. and as if all dis man standing der middle of d beach, if air naik, mcm usulnya diorng lamas haha.. i duno cana explain.. baca bawah for futher explaination..
" The figures themselves have a sense of serenity and thoughtfulness, as they stare out to sea, all facing in the same direction and in the same pose, they appear as though they’re partaking in some sort of ancient ritual from which they cannot be distracted or shaken from. This is made all the more eerie as people have a tendency to stand beside the sculptures, looking out to sea as if expecting to discover what they’re looking for, making it impossible to tell which is which! On closer inspection the figures are vague in detail and rusty, punctured with several plug holes where iron was poured in the casting process - conjuring images from the Warner Bros ‘Matrix’ and the umbilical cord like tubes coming from Keanu Reeves (or is that just me?)"
aside from enjoying d view.. i ws measuring all dis ripples index, wavelengths, d current direction, bedforms, etc, etc..
wish me luck for d presentation 2moro.. till den~