Category: , By zoro
Gila semester baru ni.. busy busy busy.. my class patang packed, but sumhow walaupun by d tym balik rumah ngalih, sumhow still feel so restless.. just got dis outburst of energy kn kluar jln.. btw, d weather masa ani gila kn mati sajuk nya, argh!!!

dis few days kinda feel gloomy, got so many tings in mind, tinking of how 2 deal with it bits by bits, but ntah lah labu.. ngusut pun dosnt help jua , itl just mek tings worst.. i guess its js d weather 2 kli :)

nways, my coursemate panggil dinner rumahnya tdi, i guess she realised i was down atu jua kli.. it was gud.. reli gud :) she masak ikan, she one hell of a cuk.. sumting pkai white sauce n milk catu..ia masak no.1 makan pun no.1, wen i ws der we end up talking bout all dis food.. n she js cant stop stuffing me dgn mkanan.. mcm vacuum rsa ku.. m js she surprise how still maintain kurus.. she just cant stop makan n makan !! how ah?

tanx for d dinner rose.. :D


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